Saturday, June 18, 2011

Get The Right Dog Illness Diagnosis

Although many symptoms relate to many different health problems, a vet will be able to take tests and determine the correct diagnosis of the problem. Never use over the counter medications unless you are one hundred percent sure what the cause of the health problem is or you could place your loved companion in more danger. Some symptoms I will discuss are behavior, feces, urine and skin. Knowing more about these symptoms will help you understand what the problem might be.

Dog Illness Diagnosis of the Feces

A digestive tract problem may result in a strong smell of the feces. An intestinal problem, colitis or a foreign object ingested may cause blood in the stool. If the color appears abnormal, it may represent an infection of some kind. If a foreign object or a digestive problem exists, you may see mucus in the stool of your dog.

Also with a digestive problem may cause constipation if the dog has a pelvic fracture, anal gland enlargement, hernia or intestinal nerve damage. Diarrhea may result because of diet, parasite, infection, poisoning and allergies. Diagnosis of the feces is a sure way to find out if there is a health problem with your dog.

Dog Illness Diagnosis of Urine

Urine analysis determines if your dog has many different problems. Signs that the problem may be hepatorrenal also known as the liver and kidneys are an odor omitted by the urine. Blood in the urine may suggest internal trauma, cystitis or renal infection. If you notice a change in color, you might have a dog with diabetes or renal infection. Sometimes the excessive urination can be a sign of diabetes, Cushing's disease, hepatic disease or an urogenetal infection. Another problem this may be is nefrosis. As you can see, many different conditions can be diagnosed with urine analysis.

Dog Illness Diagnosis of the Skin

Dogs experience bouts of dermatitis and hormonal problems, which can result in skin irritation with an odor at times. Licking and scratching excessively is one sign your dog has a skin condition. This condition may be result of other sources such as fleas, dry skin from over bathing and an injury that was undetected by you that became infected. Dogs should not be bathed more than once a month, but preferably every two to three months if possible.

Dog Illness Diagnosis in Behavior

If a dog loses their balance, they may have apoplexy, meningitis or a neurological unbalance. Rabies causes apathy and isolation along with vomiting, foaming around the mouth and aggressive behavior. Loss of weight due to anorexia suggests a digestive problem as well as a change in the food they are used to eating. Dogs that display any type of unusual behavior need to be monitored to find the exact cause so you can inform the vet. Early detection helps to eliminate serious problems from occurring. If you notice any major changes in the behavior of your dog, check with a vet for proper diagnosis.