Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Top 10 Dog Illness Diagnosis Helping Tips

When something just seems “off” about your dog it’s not as easy to as discerning what’s wrong with yourself or with a child who can describe it to you. However, by knowing what to look for and observing sick dog symptoms you can better help your veterinarian properly make a dog illness diagnosis.

Below are the Top Ten Symptoms that can help in a dog illness diagnosis when you need it most:

1. Dry Nose — A dog’s nose should be moist and cool, and a nose that is not indicates illness. By gently touching the tip you can tell if your dog’s nose is dry or cracked.

2. Heavy Panting — Heavy or excessive panting can mean any number of dog health problems; watch for other symptoms along with it, and make certain the panting isn’t because of ordinary circumstances like heat or physical exertion.

3. Repeated Vomiting, Gagging, Sneezing, or Coughing — While the occasional cough, sneeze, or even vomiting is not a cause for alarm with dogs, repeated instances of these can be a concern.

4. Change in Weight — Many dog illness diagnoses accompany a rapid loss or gain in weight, especially if the dog’s eating habits have not changed.

5. Hair Loss — Many dogs shed layers of fur naturally, but patchy or unusually large clumps of missing fur can be a sign of mites, or even canine Cushing’s disease.

6. Unusual Odors — While a dog’s breath may not typically be a fragrant bouquet, a sudden, overwhelmingly unpleasant smell can be an indicator of internal problems. Also make note of odors from the skin, ears, or anus.

7. Change in Bowel Movement — Not the most pleasant symptom to watch for, but an important one nonetheless. Bloody, discolored, hard, or uncomfortable stool or urine is a symptom of such conditions as infections or pancreatitis in dogs.

8. Pain — A dog in pain may whimper for no obvious reason, or shrink away or flinch from touching.

9. Change in Eating/Drinking/Urination — When a dog’s eating habits, amount of fluid intake, or frequency of urination change by raising or decreasing noticeably for a length of several days, speak to your vet.

10. Change in Behavior — Behavior changes often accompany illness, disease, or injury. Aggressiveness, lethargy, or depression is a common symptom.

The best way to notice such symptoms is to be on the lookout for your dog’s normal, healthy behavior. Dog health insurance can help in keeping your dog’s veterinary visits frequent, and frequent visits can also help a veterinarian make the right dog illness diagnosis when needed.